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[pabɔ] plural noun sons
(Spanish) hijos
Speaker: Kafotei
[pa dulu] sentence I am hot
(Spanish) tengo calor
[bata] noun friend
(Spanish) amigo
[bata] phrase my friend
(Spanish) mi amigo
[balɪs dulu] sentence I am hot
[bãnta] adjective wet
(Spanish) mojado
Speaker: Andres Ozuna
[al baɹ] phrase two ears
(Spanish) dos orejas
Speaker: Alejo Barras
[paudʒa] noun spider
(Spanish) araña
Speaker: Alvin Paja Balbuena
[pautʃa] noun spider
[beʃau] phrase my brother
(Spanish) mi hermano
[eki ndetʃ] noun great-grandfather
(Spanish) bisabuelo
[bekitʃ] phrase my grandfather
(Spanish) mi abuelo
[bekəta] phrase my grandmother
(Spanish) mi abuela
[bɪʃɪbitʃ] phrase my (two) brothers
(Spanish) mis (dos) hermanos
[pɪtʃ] noun wood
(Spanish) madera
[biʃɪ] possessive mine
(Spanish) mio
[pɪtʃuɹa] plural noun embers
(Spanish) brasas
[iha] noun daughter
(Spanish) hija
[pisda] noun daughter
[piza] plural noun ashes
(Spanish) cenizas
[ihutʃ] noun house
(Spanish) casa
[bɨnau] phrase my sister
(Spanish) mi hermana
[bɪhẽɹ insɪ] noun nostril
(Spanish) ventana de la nariz
[ugalɪnda] noun daughter
(Spanish) niña
[bugənina] noun boy
(Spanish) niño
[bumta] noun finger
(Spanish) dedo
[bunau] phrase my sister
[peɹme] noun son
(Spanish) hijo
[pɪʃ] adverbial before morning
(Spanish) ante de la manaña
[pətje] preposition against
(Spanish) contra
[bɔla] noun pig
(Spanish) cerdo
[pɔla] noun pig
(Spanish) chancho
[bɔlu] adjective bald
(Spanish) calvo
[bɔnɔ ẽtʃ] noun bullet
(Spanish) bala/proyectil
[posɔ] noun bruise
(Spanish) cardenal
[pɔ̃tʃ] noun dog
(Spanish) perro
[bɔɹɦe] noun tree
(Spanish) arbol
[bɔɹhi] plural noun trees
(Spanish) arboles
[pɔtẽ] noun tooth
(Spanish) diente
[pɔɹtʃ] noun sky
(Spanish) cielo
[bɔ̃ʒ] noun sky
[bɔ̃n] noun sky
[pɔ̃ntʃ] noun sky
[pɔ̃ntʃ kutute] adjective cloudy
(Spanish) nublado
[pɔɦɔtʃ ] noun dog
[pɔitʃ] noun dog
[boitʃ ab] noun bear cub
(Spanish) osezno
[bɔiʔ ihab] noun bear cub
[pɔɹəɹ] noun tree
[pɔɹhɪ] noun tree
[pɔ̃ɹe] noun tree
(Spanish) árbol
[ɔti] noun broth
(Spanish) caldo
[ɔɹe] noun flower
(Spanish) flor
[pɔ̃ɹ ijɔ kaɪ] noun fall
(Spanish) otoño
[pɔ̃ɹ i kaɪ] noun spring
(Spanish) primavera
[pɔ̃ɹ pɔ̃nha] noun spring
[pɔ̃ɹ bɔ] noun wood
[pɔ̃ɹ ũɹɔ] noun moss
(Spanish) musgo
[pɔ̃ɹ ũ] noun plant
(Spanish) planta
[pɔɹkə] preposition for
(Spanish) por
[bɔɹɔ] noun white
(Spanish) blanco
[bɔrɔ] noun white
[pɔ̃ɹʒɹau] noun star
(Spanish) estrella
[bɔɹebe] noun star
[pɔʒɹebe] noun star
[pɔ̃tʃ] noun sky
[pɔɹsɪbɪla] noun net
(Spanish) red
[pɔseheɔ] adjective free
(Spanish) gratis
[pɔhɔɪt uʃe] phrase the dog runs
(Spanish) el perro corre
Speaker: Evangeline Barras
[pɔhɔɪ je uʃbe] phrase the dog does not run
(Spanish) el perro no corre
[ɔte] noun tooth
[weɪtita] noun bitch
(Spanish) perra
[ukɹeɪ] noun mucus
(Spanish) mocos
[bunina] noun boy
(Spanish) niño, chico
[bũme] plural noun fingers
(Spanish) dedos
[puɹhɔ] noun lung
(Spanish) pulmón
[puɹhɔ] adjective broken
(Spanish) roto
[bɪʃau] phrase my brother