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[sula] noun bat
(Spanish) murcielago
Speaker: Alvin Paja Balbuena
[sabutɔ] noun bat
(Spanish) murciélago
Speaker: Andres Ozuna
[saha] noun coitus
(Spanish) coito
[saɣɪs] adjective hidden
(Spanish) oculto
[sawaʃi] adjective slow
(Spanish) lento
[sani] noun two
(Spanish) dos
Speaker: Kafotei
[zehe taɣa] sentence I want to eat
(Spanish) quiero comer
[sehe dɹẽ] sentence he wants to come
(Spanish) quiere venir
[sek] noun hiccup
(Spanish) hipo
[seɹpa] noun hummingbird
(Spanish) colibri
[seɹʒɔm] noun thunder
(Spanish) trueno
Speaker: Alejo Barras
[ʒakʃɔɹɔ] noun rainbow
(Spanish) arco iris
[ʃahi] noun two
[ʃekuɹ balu] noun full moon
(Spanish) luna llena
[ʃekukɔ] noun moon
(Spanish) luna
[ʃekuɹkɔ] noun moon
[ʃekulkɔ] noun moon
[ʃeguɹkɔ] noun menstruation
(Spanish) menstruación
[ʃekuɹku] noun moon
[ʃɔɹa] noun birth
(Spanish) nacimiento
[sɪtɑlɑ] noun sun
(Spanish) sol
[sɔla] adjective fat
(Spanish) gordo
[sɔmɹea] noun one
(Spanish) uno
[sulha] noun deer
(Spanish) ciervo